缅因草原工作室是梅根和 JD Jorgenson 的陶艺工作室和家,位于明尼苏达州的金博尔。我们生产功能性和雕塑陶瓷。我们还教授课程和研讨会。感谢您访问我们的网站和商店。请联系我们参观工作室。我们很乐意带您参观。
Rocinante loading and unloading Results
Megan's plate and cups
我们即将在缅因州草原工作室举办的活动和 2023 年的节日。
2022 年 12 月 2 日 - 12 月 16 日
我们的促销活动于 12 月 2 日上午 9 点开始,一直持续到 12 月 16 日午夜。
Demonstration and Hands on Workshop with Andrew and Katie Webster
Dec 7, 2023
Maine Prairie Studio and Gallery
学到更多Dec. 7 - Artist Talk & Workshop
This workshop will be lead by Andrew and Katie Webster. During this demonstration, participants will learn the fabrication and surface decoration techniques used by Katie and Andrew Webster of Webster Pottery.
Along with an artist talk, the Webster's will show each stage of their process, with special emphasis on their layered surface-decoration. Participants will have the opportunity to apply underglaze decals to small pots. A handout of materials and tools used by the Websters will be provided to make it easier to bring these techniques into your studio at home.
The event will be from 1 pm - 4 pm. This workshop is free and open to the public. Please register for this event on our website to reserve a spot.
"Platters and Painted Resist Design" Hands on Workshop with Emma Le Konrad
Feb. 8, 2025
Maine Prairie Studio
学到更多Feb. 8 - Artist Talk and Workshop
This afternoon workshop will be lead by Emma Le Konrad. She will give a artist talk on her work and a hands on platter and resist design workshop. Participants will see demonstrations on throwing and decorating a platter using wax resist. Participants will be assisted in making their own platters.
The event will be from 1 pm - 4 pm. This workshop is free and open to the public. Please register for this event on our website to reserve a spot.
3 件套随行杯
3 件套随行杯