Come Try it, Pinch Pots
Friday 6 pm - 8 pm
April 25
New to clay? Never been to Maine Prairie Studio? Well, come try our class on pinch pots! By the end of your 2 hour class each participant will have a pinch pot. After the class, we will bisque, glaze and glaze fire everyone's pieces. Participants will be contacted to come pick up their finished pieces at a later date.
Come Try it, Pinch Pots
Friday 6 pm - 8 pm
April 25
New to clay? Never been to Maine Prairie Studio? Well, come try our class on pinch pots! By the end of your 2 hour class each participant will have a pinch pot. After the class, we will bisque, glaze and glaze fire everyone's pieces. Participants will be contacted to come pick up their finished pieces at a later date.